Sunday, May 11, 2014

A quarter down already!

Days in México: 91

This week I celebrated 3 months in Mexico! The time is going quickly and lots of the other exchange students are preparing to leave. Australia is one of the only countries that exchangers from January to January because the new school year starts in February. Most other countries exchange from July to July which means I get to meet two lots of exchange students.

My Spanish is getting a bit better each day. I'm comfortable speaking and reading it but I find it hard to understand some people when they speak and I have difficulties writing it. Some days are harder than others and at times my brain just gives up on me completely (normally towards the end of the day.)

Cinco de Mayo (5th of May) was last Monday. I went to the movies with some friends and did some shopping. I also went to a massive supermarket with my mamá which was a warehouse that had almost everything in it. The shelves were stacked 4 or 5 palates high!

The warehouse supermarket

Stock piled high

There was another earthquake on Thursday. It was recess break at school when it happened so we ere all out of the classrooms. There was no damage because it was small but we had to all stand on the basketball court for 5 minutes, just in case of aftershocks. The epicenter was on the other coast and it was a 6.4 on the Richter scale. It was a hot day and I thought I was just feeling dizzy but then everyone around me started yelling and then I realized that it wasn't just me who could feel it! 

The 10th of May in Mexico is la día de los madres (mother's day.) This year it was on a Saturday so we celebrated by going out to Italian for lunch. Dany created an amazing collage of photos to surprise mamá which we hung on the bedroom door before she woke up. 

The amazing collage

My family 

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